THank you for your interest in the Waligie World web server availability issues.

In 2003 after the successful relase of Waligie Bros DX, we were wrongly and grossly sued by Sebastian Fuentes BBQ Experience in Omaha, Nebraska for violating their trademarked Triple Smoked Platter.

Waligie World is not repserented by a lawyer and we were unable to have this frivilous case dismissed. Since 2003, has been the official home page of Sebastian FUentes BBQ Experience. In fact the restaurant removed the bathrooms and created a new section where customers could slander Waligie and we had no legal recourse becuase we could not afford a lawyer..

After the death of Sebastian Fuentes on December 30, 2017 after a failed attempt at beating the World Record for most logs eaten, we have successfuly regained control of our webpage.

Thank you for your support.

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